Saturday, September 1, 2007

It wasn't supposed to be this way.

It was one of those days yesterday. I spent a lot of time running around to get ready for an evening. The evening itself was great. But I have run into a huge issue.

I didn't realize that I was hurting some people. It was something completely unintentional. Something that I had no desire to do at all. I feel awful. Truly awful. For as good as my evening turned out, it was not worth hurting those who I cared about. I really don't know what to do. At all. Maybe time will fix it, I hope so.

I took advantage of a situation that I shouldn't have. Of people who I shouldn't have.

There isn't enough that I can say, and I feel that my grasp on our language stops me from really getting any further with portraying my feelings.

I am sorry.

I never felt like crying oceans before...

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