Sunday, September 23, 2007

It caught up to me!

It's interesting how fast things catch up to me. I didn't exactly expect it to be almost 20 days between updates, but that's how it happens sometimes I suppose.

I guess I just figured I didn't have much to say. And I hate forcing out ideas. Blah. I'll get something up soon. As soon as something pisses me off, I'll write about it.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

The Narrow-Minded Trap.

Recently, two separate people, on two separate occasions called me "narrow-minded." This startled me. As both people who brought it up are two of my close friends, and they also hate each other to be honest. Anyway, the first time was about a comment I made on someones hair. It was shaved all the way down, except for a strip in the middle, like a mohawk. Except it was only maybe a quarter inch long. I said it looked "dopey." The second time was a little more heated. We were having a conversation on socialized medicine. My stance was opposite hers, and I was called "narrow-minded" for not seeing her side.

These two instances happened within a few weeks of each other, and I have never been called narrow-minded before, so I took some pause to contemplate it all recently. Partly because I was afraid that perhaps it was true, and the other reason (more to the point) I wanted them to be wrong.

See, the problem with this statement is that it is an under-handed insult. It's a simple way to get out of an argument with someone that you don't want to be in. Just like "I don't want to argue but..." It falls under the same category. There is no real way to prove otherwise. How can I (or you, if you ever find yourself in a similar situation) prove that I am open to new ideas? Truly, I cannot. The only way to prove that you are open-minded to this person is to declare yourself defeated, and they are correct. A silly, if not even preposterous solution.

The other part of the problem with trying to end arguments with the narrow-minded trap is that it instills within the speaker a sense of intelligence. "See?" They are saying to themselves "Open-minded people think this way, and open-minded people are intelligent. Therefor, you are not intelligent because you do not agree with me." Again, who is to say that the listener is not intelligent? What if I just flat-out disagree with them? I know this might sound wild, but it's entirely possible that people of equal intelligence can think different ways. Crazy.

One final point before I leave you, if you are close-minded about certain things, so what? I know it means nothing to me if you won't listen to music that I like. It means nothing if you don't want to watch movies that I think are good. Hell, it means nothing to me if you stop reading this blog because you do not like my ideas. It has no real affect on me or anyone else.

And remember, you can always just say it back.

I speak of futures not immantent, but underway.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

It wasn't supposed to be this way.

It was one of those days yesterday. I spent a lot of time running around to get ready for an evening. The evening itself was great. But I have run into a huge issue.

I didn't realize that I was hurting some people. It was something completely unintentional. Something that I had no desire to do at all. I feel awful. Truly awful. For as good as my evening turned out, it was not worth hurting those who I cared about. I really don't know what to do. At all. Maybe time will fix it, I hope so.

I took advantage of a situation that I shouldn't have. Of people who I shouldn't have.

There isn't enough that I can say, and I feel that my grasp on our language stops me from really getting any further with portraying my feelings.

I am sorry.

I never felt like crying oceans before...