Friday, July 20, 2007

A rather long update.

So, this is the surprise. A new blog that allows anonymous comments. To be honest, I find this site much more conducive to my needs. I really should have moved over earlier.

First things first. School is finished. I rounded out the summer with 3 A's. I must reiterate how good I feel about all this. I'm officially cock-slapping CPCC at this point. The doors that have now been opened to me are as numerous as they are variant. Though, I must say, the final week of classes was quite stressful. It's much different than the regular spring and fall semesters as the summer still has you learning new material up until that last moment possible. Needless to say, I sat in front of my computer for the better part of two days pressing F5 in an attempt to catch my grade releases as soon as possible.

Me and Ben are having a fight. I think it's past fight now, it's more of a falling out. I have grown very weary of his constant selfish actions, and a few weeks ago, he really took the cake, even for him. It's something I was willing to deal with, as most of his shit didn't directly affect me. But this final action really offended me and let his true colors come through. It's difficult to describe the feeling, but I think the best word for it is "relieved."

Thirdly, I am the owner of my third, count it, third PSP. As someone who has owned this system at various points in time over it's lifespan, I can commit to it's current stride. It has faltered at length for sometime, not in sales mind you, in actual quality software, but now it seems to be getting it's footing. Developers and Sony as well, have figured you cannot just shoehorn PS2 games onto this thing, and new games must be made from the ground up for it. Case in point; Killzone: Liberation. It's really good. I don't know how else to put it. It's not a FPS like it's big brother, but more of a tactical shooter of sorts. Needless to say, I am quite happy with the little thing as it stands. My DS still gets the majority of my nomadic gaming time, but with SH: Origins, and a new GoW on the way, I think the system will serve me well.

Finally, I thought I was sick. I am not. Which is good. Huzzah for me.

That is really all there is to report. I have a long winded diatribe on papers I wish to write for you, and I've been working on it off and on for several months. I want it to be good for you to read, so that will wait. Leave some comments now that you can without signing up. Bitches.

EDIT: I forgot to add. I have a squatter. My friend Christina is crashing here for a bit. It's nice to have company, but it kinda sucks that I cannot do all the things I wish to.

they hatin'

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